je n’aime pas #17
Ben voilà. Fallait que quelque chose n’aille pas. Le résultat des élections britanniques est un choc au système. Et une surprise désagréable. Même pour beaucoup d’anglais qui ne comprennent pas comment et pourquoi un gouvernement conservateur a encore gagné.
Un gouvernement qui a augmenté les frais universitaires pour les jeunes qui commence leur vie active avec des dettes encore plus énormes, un gouvernement qui a fermé des centres d’accueil pour femmes battues, pour SDFs, pour personnes en difficultés, un gouvernement qui a réduit voire supprimé les aides sociales pour les handicapés et personnes fragiles, un gouvernement qui a vu exploser le nombre de banques alimentaires, un gouvernement qui a introduit les contrats zéro heure, un gouvernement qui taxe les les plus démunis et ignore ceux de la City, un gouvernement qui taxe la chambre à coucher, un gouvernement formés de sales gosses, nantis et privilégiés (Le Bullingdon Club), héritiers de l’esprit Thatcher sans aucun respect pour leur congénères, arrogants et avec le sentiment profond que tout leur est dû.
Je n’aime pas.
There you go! Obviously something had to go wrong. The British general election results is a shock to the system. And an unpleasant surprise. Even for many english who don’t get how and why a Conservative government won again.
A government that has increased university fees for young people and therefore starting their working lives with even bigger debts, a government that has closed shelters for abused women, for homeless, for people in distress, a government famous for its benefits cuts, for its welfare reform bill meaning disabled people are even more vulnerable, a government that has created a rise in food banks, a government that introduced the zero-hour contracts, a government that taxes the poorest and willfully turns a blind eye to the City, a government doing the bedroom tax, a government making people choose between heat and eat, a government made of brats, affluent and privileged (The Bullingdon Club), heirs of Thatcher spirit, who have no respect for the others.
I don’t like it.
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9 commentaires
Les travaillistes auraient-ils fait une politique différente, avec la même élite oxbridge aux postes de responsabilité ?
Il n’y a pas que les travaillistes mais certainement qu’ils auraient été un peu moins à la solde des millionnaires russes entre autre qui ont fait de Londres le nouveau Dubaï. C’est une ville de millionnaires qui a besoin de construire plus d’appartements de luxe et qui ne veut pas de ses pauvres qu’elle a créés. e magazine « Private Eye » a même décrit dans un récent numéro une « Moscow connection » de donateurs autour de David Cameron.
Missy K
Good bye NHS, it was nice knowing you…
Knowing what I know about the way cancer services and research in the English NHS have been decimated under the Tories over the past five years, when things were actually improving under the last Labour Government, I have zero grounds for optimism.
I’ve talked a lot with our policy team, who have a much deeper and more nuanced understanding of the changes that have happened than the shouty newspapers, and I believe the NHS is pretty much fcuked as of today.
I feel so flat and sad this morning. Not just for the NHS but for everything.
Can’t stop thinking about all of the extra people who will be killed or suffer greater mental health problems and marginalisation under the next government.
This is not just an intellectual exercise. It’s a real threat for millions of people. This is such a mess.
As I mentioned (ironically) on twitter….I think this also HAS to be the end of Clicktivism as a thing. Surely we can’t be under any illusion now that the social media echo chamber extends message and activism beyond preaching to the choir. One has to get out into the real world and away from teh digital construct. Direct actions, demos, pressuring mps, engaging with grassroots movements etc….
i know I’m massively cynical about this stuff (because of being so disheartened in the past), but honestly, just talking about it ain’t going to change a thing and is just going to bring you down. the collective despair on facebook and twitter has been insane…but it also gives us an indiciation of what’s gone wrong when we say (as I did this morning on facebook) who *are* these (majority) of people that are voting tory.
I cant get my head around what a depressingly conservative country this is. :(
Je pense que c’est la première fois que je vois les leaders de TROIS partis démissionner après leur défaite. C’est pas quelque chose qui serait fait en France.
As has been said by many: Labour deserted the Left, not the other way around. A bit like what’s happening in France at the mo.
I hear you. 34% of people didn’t vote at all. I reckon left wing politics in England is pretty much finished.
If there’s another Scottish referendum, they will go for independence I reckon.
Plus the Tories will gerrymander boundary changes in this parliament, and reduce the number of MPs.
Plus many left-leaning folk seem to want to vote for fringe parties.
Plus Boris will win in 2020, because politics for many people is an X-Factor style popularity contest, and many folk inexplicably seem to like him.
The Tories will be around until at least 2025.