In english

  • In english,  Questionner,  Râler

    je n’aime pas #17

    Ben voilà. Fallait que quelque chose n’aille pas. Le résultat des élections britanniques est un choc au système. Et une surprise désagréable. Même pour beaucoup d’anglais qui ne comprennent pas comment et pourquoi un gouvernement conservateur a encore gagné. Un…

  • In english

    A letter to my father

    So… this morning I got a phone call telling me about your death. Your lifeless body was found in your flat. Must have been 3 or 4 days you were there. For the first few minutes I felt nothing. Then…

  • In english,  Questionner,  Sourire

    getting old – vieillir

    I’m getting old because : I keep forgetting things My bones are letting me down badly I keep forgetting names I say more often « the young ones » than I say the « old ones » I realise I could be the mother…

  • In english

    Don’t be afraid

    Being a scaredy-cat when you’re a young woman is no fun. You miss out on so many opportunities because you have no confidence in yourself. And that’s wrong. You are pretty, you are intelligent, you are independent and you have…

  • Écrire,  In english

    The morning after the night before

    He was a car crash waiting to happen. Drinking too much, random encounters and the frequent moments when it dawns on you that no protection was used. It happened a lot lately. Early morning, half awake in some stranger’s bed,…

  • In english,  Lire,  Questionner

    About families and some books

    Sometimes you’ve got to wonder. Families, eh ? Like marmite, you either love them or hate them ; there’s no middle-ground. Well… at least as far as I’m concerned. As a teenager I longed to live far away from mine. Which I…